General items like "book" or "city," denoting ordinary entities without specific names, applicable to various contexts.
Unique entities' specific names, always capitalized, distinguishing them from common nouns, like "London" or "Harry Potter."
Intangible concepts, emotions, or qualities, such as "love" and "freedom," challenging to quantify or touch.
Tangible, physical objects, like "tree" or "computer," perceptible through sight or touch in the physical world.
Enumerable items with plural forms, such as "apples" or "dogs," allowing quantification and discrete counting.
Substances or concepts without distinct count, like "water" or "happiness," emphasizing continuity or indivisibility.
Represent groups as single units, like "family" or "herd," identifying a collective identity for a set of entities.
Fusion of words creating new. entities, like "toothbrush" or "snowflake," combining elements for a specific meaning
Demonstrates ownership using an apostrophe, like "Sarah's car" or "the cat's toy," indicating belonging or association.
Substitutes for nouns, streamlining language and avoiding repetition, examples include "he" or "it," enhancing clarity in communication.
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