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What is a Nouns: Learn with Definitions and Examples

Table of Contant

What is a noun?

Nouns are an essential part of speech that is used to identify and name people, places, things, animals, objects, substances, states, events, and feelings.

Types of nouns with examples

There are six types of nouns, which are discussed in detail below:

1) Proper Nouns:

Proper Nouns are used as the name of a specific person, place, or thing. They always begin with a capital letter, and the first letter of each word in the name is capitalized. For example, "Ram," "Kolkata," and "Golden Gate Bridge", "San Francisco" are all examples of Proper Nouns.

- Ram is a famous name in India.
- Delhi is the capital of India.
- The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is a nice tourist attraction
2) Common Nouns:

A common noun is a noun that does not point out any particular name of a person, place, or thing. It can be written in singular or plural form. Common Nouns are not capitalized. For example, "books," "boys," and "students" are all common nouns.

- I love reading books.
- The students are playing badminton in the park.
- The students are excited about their upcoming exams.
Hope this table provides a better understanding of the differences between proper nouns and common nouns!


Proper NounsCommon Nouns
Names a specific person, place, or thingNames a general person, place, or thing
Always capitalizedNot capitalized
Refers to a unique entityRefers to a group of entities or a concept
Examples: John, London, Eiffel Tower, Coca-ColaExamples: city, person, dog, car, book, table, water, love, happiness

3) Concrete Nouns:

Concrete Nouns are something that appeals to our senses. Any noun that we can identify through one of our five senses, taste, touch, smell, see, and hear are called concrete nouns. For example, "doughnuts," "trees," and "animals" are all concrete nouns.

- I love the smell of fresh doughnuts in the morning.
- The trees in the sea beach are beautiful.
- The animals in the zoo are very interesting to watch.
4) Abstract Nouns:

Abstract Nouns are nouns that cannot be identified by our five senses. They refer to ideas, concepts, or feelings that cannot be seen or touched. Examples of abstract nouns are "intelligence," "stupidity," and "anger."

- His intelligence helped him to get a good job.
- Stupidity often leads to bad decisions.
- I try to control my anger when I am upset.
5) Collective Nouns:

Collective Nouns are words used to name people, places, and things in terms of units. They are naming words used for many animals, things, people, and places taken together as units. Examples of collective nouns are "class," "flock," "pair," and "family."

- The class is very quiet today.
- A flock of birds flew overhead.
- I need to buy a pair of shoes for the Party.
- The family like to spent vacation on the beach.
6) Compound Nouns:
By combining two or more words, Compound Nouns are created to form a new word. "Well-being" and "already" are some examples of compound nouns.
- She takes care of her well-being by eating healthy food.
- Have you already completed your homework?

commonly asked questions

Q: What is a noun?
A: A noun is a word that is used to identify and name people, places, things, animals, objects, substances, states, events, and feelings.
Q: What are the six types of nouns?
A: The six types of nouns are proper nouns, common nouns, concrete nouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns, and compound nouns.
Q: What is the difference between proper nouns and common nouns?
A: Proper nouns are specific names of people, places, or things and always begin with a capital letter, while common nouns are general names for people, places, or things and are not capitalized.


In conclusion, understanding the different types of nouns is important for effective communication in the English language. By using different types of nouns, writers and speakers can convey their ideas more clearly and effectively.
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