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The Northern Mountains Class 4 Questions and Answers

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The Northern Mountains of India Questions and Answers (Class 4 SST)
The northern mountains of India Questions and Answers (Class 4 SST)

The Northern Mountains of India are a majestic range of towering peaks and beautiful valleys. They are a part of the great Himalayas, which stretches across several countries. These mountains are a sight to behold, with their snow-capped peaks and lush greenery. They provide a home to many rare and endangered species of plants and animals. The Northern Mountains also have a significant impact on the climate and geography of the region. They attract tourists from all over the world who come to witness their breathtaking beauty and explore the diverse cultures and traditions of the people living in these mountainous regions.

In this article we'll discuss about the questions and answers of the Class 4 Social Study (SST) Chapter 2 : The Northern Mountains of India.

New Words we Found

Mountain range: A series of adjoining mountains, often in a line
Glacier: A large mass of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface
Phiran: A loose woolen kurta worn by Kashmiri men and women
Stilt house: A wooden house built over wooden posts to protect the residents from rainwater and snakes
Baku: The traditional long skirt worn by the women of Sikkim
Kangri: An earthen pot with burning coal used to keep warm in winters
Kahwa: A hot drink of Kashmir
Papier Mache: A substance made of paper pulp mixed with glue and other materials

Remember this points

+ The Himalayas and the Karakoram mountain ranges comprise the Northern Mountains.
+ The Himalayas is the highest mountain range of the world.
+ Mount Everest is the highest peak of the world. It is located in Nepal.
+ Kanchenjunga (8,586 meters), located in Sikkim, is the highest peak of India.
+ The Himalayan range is divided into three main mountain ranges-the Great Himalayas Hammadi, the Middle Himalayas or Himachal and the Outer Himalayas or Shivalik.
+The Great Himalayas is the northernmost range of the Himalayas. It is the highest of the three ranges
+ The Middle Himalayas lie to the south of the Great Himalayas. These comprise forest covered mountains and beautiful valleys.
+ The Outer Himalayas lie in the southernmost part of the Himalayas. The foothill area of the range is called terai.

The Northern Mountains Class 4 Worksheets

A. Tick () the correct answer.
1. The second highest peak of the world is-
a. Annapurna b. Mount K2 c. Kanchenjunga [box]
2. To which direction of the Himalayas does the Karakoram mountain range lie?
a. northeast b. northwest c. none of these [box]
3. The height of Mount Everest is-
a. 8,848 meters b. 8,849 meters c. 8,846 meters [box]
4. River Ganga originates from the glacier called-
a. Yamunotri b. Siachen c. Gangotri
5. Mount Godwin Austen is located in the-
a. Himalayan range b. Karakoram range c. None of these [box]

Fill in the blanks

1. The Himalayan range is about 450 kilometres wide in Kashmir.
2. The meaning of Himalaya is abode of snow-
3. The Great Himalayas is also known as Himadri
4. The lowest Himalayan range is Shivalik
5. Dispur is the capital of Assam.

Question and Answers

Name the three highest peaks of the great Himalaya.
Three highest peaks of the great Himalaya are Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga and Annapurna.
Name four rivers that originate from the glaciers of Himadri.
Ganga, Yamuna, Indus and Sutlej are the four rivers originate from the glaciers of Himadri.
Name any three Hill towns that lie in the middle Himalaya.
Srinagar, Nainital and Shimla are the three hill towns that lie in the middle Himalaya.
Which two national parks are located in the outer Himalaya?
Kaziranga National Park and Corbett National Park are the two National Parks located in the outer Himalaya.
Name three hills of the Purvanchal range.
Garo, Khasi and Naga are three hills of the Purvanchal range.

Long Questions

Explain the importance of the Himalaya.

The Himalaya are very important to us for many reasons. Some of them are-
i) The Himalaya acts like a wall on our Northern border and protects us from enemies.
ii) Himalaya stop the monsoon winds from crossing our country and help in bringing rainfall to the northern plains of India.
iii) Rivers originating from the Himalaya provide us water Throughout the year.
iv) The Himalaya also protect us from the cold winds blowing from Central Asia.

Describe the life of the Kashmiri people.

The men and women of Kashmir wear a beautiful embroidered woolen Kurta known as phiran. They speak in Kashmiri, Dogri, Urdu and ladakhi languages. The people of Kashmir make beautiful handicrafts from wood, brass, silver and papier-mache.

What do you know about the people of Himachal Pradesh?

The people of Himachal Pradesh wear pyjama, kurta, colourful scarves and cap. They speak in Himachali language while the official language of the state is Hindi. Dussehra and Diwali are two main festivals celebrated by the people of Himachal Pradesh.

Why is Uttarakhand called devbhoomi?

Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath and Haridwar are some important pilgrimage centers for Hindus. These places are situated in “Uttarakhand” that's why Uttarakhand is called the Devbhumi or the “land of Gods”.

Write a short note on life in the Northeastern states of India.

The people of northeastern states have their own customs, foods, dresses and languages. People of these region make beautiful artifacts with bamboo, leather, and cane. Manipuri and Bihu are two popular dance forms of this region.

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