Teeth Help us in many ways. Some of them are as follow...
i) Teeth enable us to bite and chew food.
ii) Teeth help to make food easily digestible.
iii) Teeth help us to speak clearly and give proper shape to our face.
When a baby is two and half years old, about 20 teeth have grown out of its gums. This set of teeth is called milk teeth.
A tooth has three parts -
i) The Crown
ii) The neck
iii) The root
As per the kind of work which the teeth perform, they are of four kinds -
a) Incisors
b) Canines
c) Premolars
d) Molars
There are six molars in each jaw. Eight molars grow first, four molars grow later.
The process by which food is broken into a simple form so that it can be absorbed by our body easily is called digestion. Digestion is a long process and it takes place step by step.
After taking food into our mouth we chew it well. On being chewed it breaks down into smaller bits and turns into a paste. The salvia present in the mouth makes the food soft and smooth so that it may be swallowed easily.
Food bitten and chewed by the teeth reaches the stomach through the oesophagus or food pipe. There are several digestive juices present in the stomach. Here the food is further broken down into simple substances.
From the stomach, the food goes to the small intestine. Bile, a digestive juice and some other digestive juices also mix with the food here. Together they break down the food further and complete the process of digestion. The food is converted into liquid form and is absorbed into the blood through the walls of the small intestine. The undigested part of the food is passed to the large intestine. water present in the food is absorbed by the walls of the large intestine. The remaining waste is passed out of the body through the anus.
Large intestine absorbs the remaining water Content of undigested food.
Incisors | Canines |
i) These teeth are also Called cutting teeth | i) These teeth are also Called tearing teeth. |
ii) We have eight incisors, for each in the upper and lower jaw. | ii) We have four canines, two each in the upper and lower jaw. |