Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost" questions and answers illuminate the poet's contemplation amid winter's beauty. Frost's mesmerizing verses invite readers to ponder life's obligations versus desires. The woods symbolize temptation, the horse reason, and the village responsibility. Through its lyrical journey, the poem prompts reflection on the balance between duty and personal fulfillment.
The woods belonged to someone who lived in the nearby village.
No, the rider did not see a farmhouse.
This event took place during the winter season.
The rider was making his journey when there was snowfall, the lake was frozen and there was the sweep of easy wind and downy flake.
The horse signaled that he wanted to move on by shaking his harness bells.
The rider stopped by the woods because he was attracted by the scenic beauty of the woods. during the snowfall.
The horse was puzzled because the rider stopped without a farmhouse nearby.
The rider was going to a far away place to keep his Promises.
The rhyming pattern in the poem is - AABA-BBCB- CCDC - DDDD.
No, all the stanzas do not have the same pattern.
Here 'he' is the horse about whom the poet is speaking.
A harness is the leather strap or belt which is used to control a horse.
The possible mistake may be that he has lost his way.