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Representation of Geographical Features Question and Answer

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Lesson -1

Representation of Geographical Features Question and Answer
Representation of Geographical Features Question and Answer

Points to Remember

Globe : A model of the earth showing important features such as continents, oceans and countries.
Map : A representation of the curved surface of the whole earth or part of it on a flat surface according to a chosen scale.
Scale : In map scale is the ratio of the distance between two places on a map to the actual distance between the two places on the ground.
    A scale can be shown in 3 ways:
Verbal scale - A Verbal scale expresses the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the ground in words.
    Ex: - 1 cm represents 5 km.
Graphic or liners scale : A graphic scale visually expresses the scale of the map. It consists of a horizontal line with equal divisions marked on it.
Representative fraction (RF) : Representative fraction (RF) expresses the scale of the map in the form of a ratio of the map distance to the ground distance.
North line : The vertical line with an arrow at the top, marked with the letter 'N', indicating the north direction.
Cardinal points : The compass points indicating the four major directions north, south, east and west.
Conventional symbols : The symbols generally used to represent various features on maps.
Sketch : A rough drawing showing only some features of an area, drawn without using any scale.
Plan : A detailed drawing of a very small area, drawn using a very large scale.
Diagram : A simple drawing to show how something looks or how it is made or how it works.

Give short answers

Difference between Globe and Map.

i) It is spherical in shape.
ii) It is three dimensional.
iii) It accurately portrays the continent's shape and distance between land masses.
i) It is a flat representation of the earth's surface.
ii) It is two dimensional.
iii) It distorts continent's shapes and Sizes.

What are the globes and maps used for?

To know the locations of various places of the world, we use globes and maps.

The globes are better than a flat map. Why?

A globe is more accurate than a flat map map as it shows the true shape of the earth's surface. It also represents the accurate distance between landmasses.

What are the components or Languages of maps?

There are four major components of maps. Without These components we can't study a map effectively. These are-

i) Title ⅱ) Scale iii) Direction and iv) Conventional symbol.

Difference between Large and Small scale maps.

Large scale mapsSmall scale maps
i) Show a small area in great detail.
ii) Are drawn to a scale of 1 cm equals 1 km or less.
iii) A road map, city map etc. are examples of large scale maps.
i) Cover a large area in less detail.
ii) Are drawn to a scale of 100 km or more.
iii) World map, political map, physical map are the examples of small scale waps.

What is a map?

A drawing of the Earth’s surface either whole or part of it on a flat surface is called a map.

What are political and physical maps?

Maps, which show the natural features of the earth surface, like mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers etc. are called physical maps.


Maps, which show the Boundaries of countries and of the state within the countries, are called physical maps. Physical maps also show the location of cities and towns.

What is the north line?

The vertical line with an arrow at the top, marked with the letter “N” indicating the north direction of the map is called the North line.

What information do you need to locate a place with respect to another?

To locate a place with respect to another place, we need to know both the direction and the distance between two places.

What is the use of the key in a map?

The key helps us to understand the symbols, colors, and signs used on a map. It explains in detail different symbols, such as roads, rivers, mountains, and boundaries.

What is a diagram?

Diagram is a simple drawing to show how something looks or how it is made or how it works.

Explain in brief

How are maps more useful than globes? Is there any disadvantage in using maps?

Maps are more useful than gloves as it provides more formation of the earth's surface in great detail. Therefore, a man can accurately depict a small area of the earth's surface.

While using a map, there might be disadvantages as it shows the features of the spherical earth on a flat surface. It includes some distortion of shape, area and directions.

What is a map's scale? A map's scale is given thus 1 cm to 200 km. How far apart will two places be on the map, if the ground distance between them is 1,200 km?

A map scale is the ratio of the distance between two places on a map to the actual distance between two places on the ground.

1 cm represents 200 km on the ground. Ground distance between two places = 1200 km. In a map, the distance of the scale 1200/200 = 6 cm.

What are conventional symbols? Why are they needed?

Conventional symbols are universally accepted symbols that we use on map to represent various features of the earth's surface. they are needed because these symbols provide a plenty of information in a limited space. They make a map very simple and understandable. These are also called map legends as it tells the story of a map.

Using the table given below, show the differences between maps, plans and sketches.
Area coveredlargesmallboth
ScalesmalllargeNot used.
Details shownLess detailMore detailWhich is necessary & landmark.

Fill in the blanks.

In a world map, the maximum distortion is at the Pole.
The scale of a map gives the relation between the map distance and the ground distance.
If a map does not have the north line, the upper most part is taken as the north.
The direction to the right of the north line is East.
A plan shows the details of a small area on a large scale.

Choose the correct option.

A map uses a scale in which 1 cm on the map covers 50 metres on the ground. If two places are 4 cm apart on the map, the actual distance between them is -
    (a) 50 metres            (b) 100 metres        (c) 150 metres        (d) 200 metres
Of the following, the map with the smallest scale will be that of -
    a) your city            (b) Maharashtra            (c) India            (d) Asia
The symbols generally used on maps are called conventional symbols because
(a) they have been used since ancient times
(b) they are used all over the world under an international agreement
(c) they are the traditional Indian way of showing various features on maps
(d) they were used by British map-makers
To build a school, one would need a
    (a) sketch         (b) plan         (c) map         (d) globe
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