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Our Natural Resources Class 4 Questions and Answers

Table of Contant
Lesson - 8

Our Natural Resources

Tick(✓) the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
a. Water [✓]        b. Diesel [ ]        c. petrol [ ]
2. Without which one of the following can we not live?
a. Gold [ ]        b. Coal [ ]         c. air [✓]
3. It is called green gold.
a. Diamond [ ]    b. Emerald [ ]    c. plants [✓]
4. We call it black gold.
a. Carbon [ ]        b. Petroleum [✓]    c. coal [ ]

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. We get metals from the rocks.
2. We get diesel from petroleum after refining it.
3. We get solar energy from the Sun.
4. We must save the fertile soil from overgrazing and erosion.

Short answer questions.

1. Name two renewable natural resources.

Wind and Water are two examples of renewable natural resources.

2. Name two exhaustible natural resources.

Coal and Petroleum are two examples of exhaustible natural resources.

3. What are the uses of coal?

Coal is used to cook, to heat, to generate electricity and to run factories and steam engines.

4. Which products do we get after refining petroleum?

After refining petroleum we get petrol, diesel and natural gas.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is recycling of resources? Explain with the help of an example.
When natural resources are used again and again in different forms and for different purposes it is called recycling of resources.
As for example we can melt. a plate of gold to make bangles but we can not create new gold.
2. Why are metals, coal and petroleum called exhaustible resources? How should we use them?
Metals, coal and Petroleum are called exhaustible resources as they are limited in quantity and once they are used they can not be created again. We should use our exhaustible resources wisely and economically.
3. Why do we need water?
We need water for drinking, cooking and washing. We also need water to produce electricity and to grow crops.
4 Write a short paragraph on the importance of plants.
Plants are very important for us. They give us oxygen to breathe. They provide us food, timber, cloth and medicine. They prevent soil erosion and increase groundwater level.
5. How are animals useful for us?
Animals are very useful for us as they fulfill our various needs. We get milk, egg, leather, wool and meat from various animals.
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