Class 5 - SST - Chapter-14
Living Longer and Healthier Lives - Questions and Answers![Living Longer and Healthier Lives - Questions and Answers]()
New Words to Know
Antibiotic : A substance such as penicillin that is capable of destroying or weakening certain microorganisms, especially bacteria or fungi, that causes infections or infectious diseases
Inoculation : The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease
Clinical thermometer : A thermometer that can be read only by seeing the level of mercury inside it.
Digital thermometer : A thermometer that shows the temperature in digits
Microbes : Tiny organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa that can be seen only with the help of a microscope
Pathology lab : A lab where samples of blood, urine and stool are tested to detect the disease of a patient
Points to Remember
+ The birth rate and the death rate were quite close to each other in olden times. Therefore, only a few children that were born, survived.
+ Today, the birth rate is far higher than the death rate. This is largely due to the invention of many useful medicines and medical instruments.
+ Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the body.
+ Carbolic acid was the first modern antiseptic. It was first used by a British surgeon named Joseph Lister to prevent infections in the wounds.
The first vaccine was developed by Dr. Edward Jenner, an English doctor, to protect from smallpox.
+ Chloroform was first given by a surgeon named James Simpson to his patient during a surgery to make him unconscious because the surgery was very painful.
The process of pasteurisation was invented by Louis Pasteur, a French scientist. Pasteurisation kills all the germs of milk as the milk is heated at a certain temperature and then cooled.
+ Surgery is a medical activity that requires a part of the body to be cut open to cure a medical problem related to that part.
+ A clinical thermometer measures the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius (°C). It was invented by Gabriel Daniel in 1714.
+ Stethoscope is an instrument used by the doctors to listen to the heartbeat and breathing of a patient. It was invented by Rene Laennec, a French scientist.
+ Microscope is a common instrument used by the doctors and the scientists to look at the various disease-causing germs. The first microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590.
+ Today, the doctors are using many amazing machines to look inside our body for the purpose of curing various diseases. X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and CAT scan are some such machines.
Tick (✔) the correct answer.
1. This chemical was used as the first modern antiseptic.
a. amino acid
b. carbolic acid ✔ c. citric acid
2. The first vaccine was developed against -
a. Smallpox ✔ b. Tuberculosis
c. tetanus
3. A medicine that makes a person unconscious is-
a. Anacin
b. Chloroform ✔ c. Disprin
4. The normal temperature of the human body is-
a. 78.7°F
b. 48.2°F
c. 98.4°F ✔5. An ECG is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of our-
a. Brain
b. heart ✔ c. none of these
Fill in the blanks.
1. The stethoscope was invented by
Rene Laennec2. Hepatitis and tetanus are
Diseases3. Germs cannot survive in extremely
hot and
cold temperatures.
4. Replacement of body body organs is very
expensive5. A
sphygmomanometer measures the blood pressure of patients.
Short answer questions.
Who invented penicillin and when?
Sir Alexander Fleming invented penicillin in 1928.
What is an antiseptic ? Give two examples.
An antiseptic is a medicine with antimicrobial properties that prevents disease-causing the growth of germs. Dettol and Savlon are two examples of antiseptics.
What is stethoscope ?
Stethoscope is an instrument used by doctors to listen to the heartbeat and breathing of a patient. It was invented by Rene Laennec.
How is chloroform useful?
Chloroform is a medicine that makes a person unconscious when inhaled. Before surgery, a patient is given chloroform and made unconscious. So that he or she does not feel the pain during surgery.
Which technology is used by the doctors to treat the patients without doing surgery or cutting open the affected organs?
Laser technology is used by the doctors to treat the patients without doing surgery or cutting open the affected organs.
Answer the following questions.
How was the first vaccine discovered?
The first vaccine was given against the dreadful disease of smallpox. Dr. Edward Jenner observed that the milkman and milkmaids who remained near the cows were infected with cowpox. But they were never infected by smallpox. One day in 1796 he injected the germs of cowpox in the body of a little boy. After a few weeks, he injected the Smallpox germs in the same boy. Surprisingly the boy did not show any sign of smallpox. In this way the first vaccine was invented.
What is pasteurisation? How is it useful?
Pasteurisation is a process of making tre milk germ free by heating the milk in extremely hot temperature and then cooling it down instantly. This process was invented by Louis Pasteur, a French scientist.
Pasteurised milk is germ free and can be drunk directly without heating or boiling.
What is surgery? How does it promote long life?
A medical activity that requires a part of the body to be cut open to cure a Medical problem, related to that part is called surgery.
A Surgeon operates the problem at part of the patient's body with the help of different surgical instruments and sometimes even replaces the defective or damaged organs such as kidney, heart, eye, lever etc. This way the patient can live longer with the newly fitted organs.
What is a microscope? How does it help doctors and scientists?
Microscope is an instrument that can magnify small samples. It is commonly used by doctors and scientists to look at the various disease-causing germs.
With the help of microscopes, doctors and scientists can now see and know the activities of various microbes and find the cure of diseases. Blood and urine samples are also checked under a microscope in a pathology lab to detect disease Causing gems.
Write what you know about X-rays.
X-rays are a very energetic form of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to take images of the human body. Doctors use the x-rays to examine bones. German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895. His experiment with cathode rays led him to discover x-rays. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize for this discovery.