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Learn Preposition in English Grammar for Kids

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Prepositions for Kids: Learn English Grammar in Fun Way

Learning grammar can be exciting, especially when it's all about prepositions! In our captivating journey through English, we'll discover how these little words, like "on," "under," and "between," paint vivid pictures in sentences. With games, stories, and colorful illustrations, we'll turn learning into an adventure. From finding the puppy "behind" the tree to the kite "above" the park, kids will master prepositions effortlessly. So, let's embark on this fun-filled exploration of language, where words become tools to describe the world around us!

Preposition Definition for Kids

A preposition is a word or group of words that shows us where something is, when something happens, or how things are related. It often comes before words like nouns (people, places, or things) and pronouns (words like "he," "she," or "it"). Some prepositions you might know are "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to." They help us understand where things are or when things happen in a sentence.

The Spectrum of Prepositions

Prepositions come in a multitude of forms, each tailored to a specific purpose. Let's embark on a journey through the various types of prepositions:

SimpleSingle-word prepositions- Amidst: The butterfly landed amidst the flowers.
-Beneath: Treasure is hidden beneath the ground.
- Within: Serenity lies within us all.
CompoundTwo-word prepositions- In front of: The enthusiastic crowd gathered in front of the stage.
- Next to: The cozy cafe is located next to the bookstore.
ComplexMulti-word prepositions- In the midst of: We found solace in the midst of chaos.
- On account of: The event was canceled on account of bad weather.
PhrasalVerb-preposition combinations- Look up: Curious minds often look up facts online.
- Run into: I had a chance to run into my childhood friend.

8 Types of Prepositions with Examples

TypesDefinitionExample Words
These prepositions relate to when something happens. They are used to specify points in time, periods, or durations.At, on, in, before, during, after
Preposition of PlacePrepositions of place indicate the location or position of something or someone in relation to other objects.On, at, in, etc.
Preposition of DirectionThese prepositions indicate the direction of movement or position, showing how something moves or where it's located.To, into, over, down, up, around, across
Preposition of MannerPrepositions of manner describe how something is done, conveying the method or way in which an action is performed.By, like, in, with, on
Preposition of AgentThese prepositions identify the doer of an action or the instrument used to perform an action.By, with, through
Preposition of PossessionThese prepositions indicate ownership or possession of something.Of, belonging to
Preposition of MeasurePrepositions of measure show the measurement of something, such as size, length, or quantity.In, by, etc.
Preposition of SourceThese prepositions reveal the source or origin of something, indicating where something comes from or is derived.From, out of, etc.

Navigating Prepositions in Usage

Understanding when and how to use prepositions is fundamental for effective communication. Let's navigate the seas of prepositional usage with comprehensive examples:

Locating in Space

Prepositions are like location detectives in sentences, helping you find out "Where?" something is happening or located.


- The moon hung serenely amidst the stars.
- The buried treasure lay concealed beneath the ancient tree.
- The answer you seek resides within your heart.

Guiding Direction

Prepositions guide the path of actions or movements, elucidating "Where to?" or "Where from?"

- She sprinted in front of the speeding car.
- We ventured next to the cascading waterfall.
- The birds soared gracefully over the rolling hills.

Illuminating Time Relationships

Prepositions act like a time-travel guide, helping us navigate the when and how long of a situation.

- The grand gala commences promptly at midnight.
- We chatted away the evening hours after dinner.
- Their friendship has thrived since childhood.

Unveiling Cause and Reason

Prepositions serve as the spotlight, revealing the cause or reason behind an action or circumstance.

- She flourished, fueled by her unyielding dedication on account of hard work.
- He crafted a masterpiece for the sheer love of art.
- We reveled in joy due to their remarkable achievement.

Conveying Purpose

Prepositions act like guiding arrows, showing us why an action is happening, answering the question "Why?"

- I penned a heartfelt letter for my dearest friend.
- The cake was baked for the celebratory occasion.
- The presentation was delivered with the intent of inspiring the audience.

Identifying Agents in Passive Voice

Prepositions step into the shadows, identifying the agent or doer of an action in passive voice constructions.

- The novel was penned by a prolific author.
- The masterpiece was painted by an emerging artist.
- The project was managed flawlessly by our dedicated team.

Tracing Sources and Origins

Prepositions take us back to the roots, indicating the source or origin of something.

- The river flows gracefully from the heart of the mountains.
- The rare artifact originated from a distant civilization.
- The tale was inspired by ancient folklore.

Revealing Instruments of Action

Prepositions provide the tools of action, indicating the instrument or means by which an action is executed.

- She painted the canvas meticulously with a delicate brush.
- He crafted intricate jewelry using fine gemstones.
- They constructed a masterpiece out of recycled materials.

Expressing Accompaniment

Prepositions become companions, revealing who or what accompanies a person or object.

- She embarked on an adventure with her loyal dog.
- He danced the night away alongside his best friend.
- I savor a good book while enjoying a cup of aromatic tea.

Wrapping It Up

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8 Types of Prepositions with Examples

In conclusion, prepositions, though often overlooked, play an integral role in the art of language. By understanding the diverse types of prepositions and mastering their applications, you can sharpen your language skills and convey your thoughts with eloquence and precision. Keep in mind that the choice of preposition can drastically alter the meaning of a sentence, making it crucial to use them thoughtfully and accurately. As you continue to explore the intricate landscape of language, prepositions will remain your steadfast companions, guiding your expressions toward clarity and depth in the ever-evolving tapestry of communication.

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