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Health and Hygiene (Science - Class 5) Questions and Answers

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Chapter - 6

Health and Hygiene
health and hygiene class 5 questions and answers

Remember These Points

★ Nutrients help us to stay healthy.
★ There are five main nutrients-carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
★ We should take a balanced diet to remain fit and healthy.
★ Exercise, rest and correct posture also help to maintain good health.
★ There are two types of diseases - communicable diseases and non-communicabale diseases.
★ Communicable diseases spread through food and water, direct contact, air and insects.
★ Non-communicable diseases are caused due to deficiency of nutrients in our daily diet.
★ We should follow certain hygienic measures to stay healthy.
Disease: Disease is an unhealthy condition in which our body or any body part does not function well.
Pathogen: Any organism that causes disease is called a pathogen.
Vector: Any Living agent that carries and transmits an infectious pathogen is called Vector.

Answer the following questions

Name the nutrients found in our food.

There are five main nutrients found in our food. They are - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Why does our body need proteins?

Proteins are very essential for the growth of our body. They repair the body tissues and help in healing small cart and wounds.

Write the importance of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins are very essential for the proper functioning of our body. It provides resistance to fight against various diseases. Minerals also help our body to remain healthy.

Why are regular exercise, correct posture and proper rest useful and important?

Regular exercise: Regular exercise makes our muscles strong. It improves the blood circulation in the body which ultimately helps us to stay fit.

Correct posture: Correct posture is essential as incorrect posture over a long period of time may lead to illness.

Proper rest: By taking proper rest, the body becomes fresh and ready to work more efficiently.

Vaccine : A vaccine is a substance that stimulates the body's immune system to respond to diseases.
Vaccination : The process of introducing a vaccine into the body to help the immune systems develop immunity to a specific diseases is called vaccination.
Marasmus: A severe form of malnutrition, specifically protein energy under nutrition. This is a deficiency of all macro nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Kwashiorkor: Malnutrition due to severe protein deficiency.

Why does our body need proteins?

Proteins are body building nutrients. These are very essential for growth of the body. They repair tissues. Proteins are required in healing wounds.

Write the importance of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals provide resistance to our body to fight various diseases.

Balanced diet - A diet that includes a sufficient amount of all the nutrients required for healthy functioning of the body is called a balanced diet.
Hygiene : The condition and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease is called hygiene.

How are communicable diseases caused?

Communicable or contagious diseases are caused by microscopic organisms called germs.

How are deficiency diseases caused?

Deficiency diseases are caused due to deficiency of particular nutrients in our daily diet.

What is a balanced diet?

A diet that contains a sufficient amount of each nutrient required by the body Is called a balanced diet.

What is the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases?

Communicable diseasesNon communicable diseases
i) These diseases are caused by the infection of microorganismsi) These are caused due to the deficiency of particular nutrients or malfunctioning of any body part.
ii) These diseases are spread from one person to another.
Eg.-Polio Typhoid
ii) These are non contagious diseases.
Eg. - Night Blindness, scurvy.

Mention various modes of transmission of infectious diseases.

Communicable diseases spread in many ways these OS are called mode of transmission some mode of transmission of communicable diseases are as follow-

i) Some diseases such as typhoid, food-poisoning, jaundice etc. spread through water and food.
ii) Diseases like smallpox, chicken pox, common cold etc. spread when a person comes to direct contact with the diseased person or thing used by him.
iii) Diseases such as mums, tuberculosis, flu etc. spread through air.
iv) Diseases like Malaria Plague yellow fever, etc. spread through insects.

How can we prevent communicable diseases?

We should follow certain measures to prevent communicable diseases. Some of them are follow -

i) We should keep our surroundings clean.
ii) We should wash our hands properly every time before and after eat something.
iii) We should keep garbage in a covered container.
iv) We should use clean and freshwater for drinking.
v) A patient affected by an infectious disease should be kept isolated.
vi) Food items should always be kept in cover.

How are non-communicable diseases caused?

Non communicable diseases are caused due to deficiency of nutrients in our daily diet.

What do you mean by hygiene?

The practice that helps to maintain cleanliness and good health is called hygiene.

Fill in the blanks:

Food provides us energy to work properly
The sources of fats are butter and nut
Proteins are essential for the growth of our body.
Disease is an unhealthy condition of the body.
Typhoid and cholera spread through water and food
Mumps and flu spread through air.
We should use fresh and clean drinking water.
Bacteria cause cholera and typhoid

True and False statements

Vitamins provide us energy. [F]
Excess intake of fats can cause obesity. [T]
Water and roughage are also useful to our body. [T]
Malaria is spread through insects. [T]
We should not wash our hands after eating food. [F]
We should drink fresh and clean water. [T]

Name the following:

Two infectious diseasesMalaria and Chickenpox
Two nutrientsVitamins and Minerals
Two sources of vitamin AFish and Mango
Two sources of carbohydratesRice and Wheat
Two sources of proteinsMeat and Fish
Two mineralsFruits and Cheese

Name one disease caused due to deficiency of each of the following:

Vitamin A - Night blindness
Vitamin B - Beri Beri
Vitamin C - Scurvy
Vitamin D - Rickets
Iodine - Goitre
Iron - Anaemia

Name the diseases caused by each of the following:

Bacteria - Cholera, Typhoid
Virus - chickenpox, mumps,common cold,
Protozoans - malaria, amoebic dysentery

Know about Vitamins

NamesChemical namesFunctionDeficiency disease
Vitamin ARetinolkeeps the eye and Skin healthy.Night blindness, Dry skin
Vitamin Dcalciferolhelps our body to absorb Calcium for the proper growth of bones.Rickets in Children, Osteoporosis in adults
Vitamin ETocopherolKeeps our immune system healthy. It is an anti oxidant.
Vitamin KPhylloquinoneplays a vital mode in blood clotting.Excessive bleeding
Vitamin CAscorbic acidHelps to protect the Cells and repair tissuesScurvy
Vitamin B1ThiamineHelps in metabolismBeriberi
Vitamin B2RiboflavinHelps in metabolismGlossitis
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
Protein & fat metabolism
Sores on mouth, Narve,
Pellagra, degradation.
vitamin B12Cyano- CobalaminMetabolismAnemia.
Vitamin PFlavonoidsIt is an antioxidant Protects against chronic diseases.weak blood vessels leads to nosebleeds and varicose vein

Note: Vitamin A,D,E,K are fat soluble vitamins. These vitamins are absorbed by the body in a manner similar to the fat, and Vitamin C, B-Complex and P are water soluble vitamins.

Know about Minerals

NamesFunctionsDeficiency Diseases
CalciumBuild and maintain strong bones. Muscles and nerves also need Calcium to function properly.Fatigue Weakness,
Weak bones.
IronRequired to form hemoglobin that helps in gaseous exchange To form myoglobin a protein that provides oxygen to muscles.iron deficiency, anemia,
Lack of energy, weakness
IodineRequired to make thyroid hormones. These hormones controls body's metabolism.Hypothyroidism:
Severe tiredness, Weight gain.
PotassiumAllows the nerves to respond to stimulation and muscles to contract muscle weakness, muscle exempt abnormal heart rhythm
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