Chapter 5
Food-Our Basic NeedQuestion and answers
What do you mean by nutrients?
Food contains some essential substances that are needed by our body to perform various activities. These substances are called nutrients.
List the main sources of Carbohydrates and fats?
Carbohydrates - rice, wheat, mango, banana, potato etc.
Fats - ghee, butter, oil, nuts etc.
How are protein is useful for our body?
i) Proteins help in making new cells and build muscle for proper growth.
ii) They repair the damaged tissues in our body.
Why are vitamins necessary for our body?
Different vitamins protect us from various diseases and keep us healthy.
Why are roughage and water essential?
Roughage cannot be digested but it helps to move wastes and out of the body water is very essential for digestion of food and it helps our body to absorb nutrients.
What do you mean by balanced diet?
The daily diet that contains all necessary nutrients in proper amount is called balanced diet.
Why do we cook our food?
Food is good to make it soft, edible, tasty and easy to digest. Cooking also kill the germs present in food.
Why are junk foods not good for health?
Junk food contains excess fat or sugar which is not good for our health. Eating too much junk food may lead to unhealthy conditions like overweight, acidity etc.
Give reason - germs cannot grow in dehydrated food.
Germs cannot grow in dehydrated food because There is not enough moisture to promote their growth
Fill in the blanks
1. Energy-giving nutrients are
carbohydrates and
fats.2. Growing children need sufficient amount of
protein growth for proper
Milk is called a complete food.
Iron helps in the formation of blood.
Calcium is needed for the development of teeth and bones.
6. Over-cooking destroys
nutrients in the food.
7. Pizza is a
junk food.
Roughage cannot be digested but helps in the removal of wastes from the body.
Name the kind of nutrients present in the following food items:
Butter - Energy-giving nutrients
Curd - Protective nutrients
Banana - Energy- giving nutrients
Meat - Body-building nutrients
Wheat - Energy-giving nutrients
Chocolate - Energy-giving nutrients
Green leafy vegetables - Protective nutrients
Carrots - Protective nutrient
Fish - Body-building nutrients
True and False statements
Iron is a body-building nutrient.
[F]We should take too much of fats.
[F]We should eat a balanced diet.
[T]Food gets spoiled if exposed to air and moisture for a long time.
[T]Eating too much junk food can be harmful.
[T]Overeating is a healthy practice.