Chapter - 8
Class 5 (SST) - Waste Disposal - Question Answer![Class 5 SST - Waste Disposal - Question Answer]()
New Words to know
Compost : Fertiliser derived from plant or animal matter
Innovative : Having a new or different idea
Waste : Anything which is useless for us is a waste for us.
Kinds of wastes : Solid, Liquid and Gaseous.
Waste Management : The disposal of wastes in a proper manner and ensure that we do not pollute our surroundings. It includes collecting, sorting, transporting and processing the wastes and monitoring the same. This is known as Waste management
Points to Remember
➤ Anything which is useless for us is called waste.
➤ There are three types of waste-solid waste, liquid waste and gaseous waste. Depending on the composition of the waste, it can be further divided into biodegradable waste and non- biodegradable waste.
➤ Nature can easily decompose biodegradable waste with the help of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.
➤ Non-biodegradable wastes take hundreds of years to decompose. So they are very harmful for our environment.
➤ Throwing garbage in the open causes land pollution. Burning harmful wastes causes air pollution. Releasing chemical wastes into the water causes water pollution.
➤ We use compost pits and landfills to dispose of the wastes.
➤ Some wastes can be made useful by recycling and reusing.
➤ We should act responsibly to keep our environment clean and healthy.
Tick (✔) the correct answer.
Waste materials are materials which are -
a. useful
b. Useless ✔ c. not used
Which of the following is an example of biodegradable waste?
a. can of Pepsi
b. aluminium foil
c. half eaten apple ✔Which of the following is a microorganism?
a. Fly
b. bacteria ✔ c. cockroach
Poisonous smoke emitting from the chimney of a factory is an example of-
a. air pollution ✔ b. land pollution
c. water pollution
Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide constitute-
a. liquid waste
b. gaseous waste ✔ c. solid waste
Fill in the blanks.
1. Burning of garbage causes
Air pollution
2. All the natural things are
biodegradable3. Non-biodegradable wastes do not
decompose for a long time.
4. Compost is far better than
Camical fertilizer5. Any
Solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful is called solid waste.
Short Answer Questions
What is biodegradable waste?
Biodegradable wastes are those which can be decomposed easily by bacteria or any other microorganisms and not being part of pollution.
Eg- peels of vegetables, rotten fruits and food etc.What is non-biodegradable waste?
Non-biodegradable wastes are those which cannot remain down by microorganisms and thus remain in the environment for a long period.
Eg:- plastics, batteries, metal etc.What are organic foods?
Crops, fruits and vegetables grown using organic fertilizers are called organic food.
What is open dumping?
The disposal of garbage in open places is called open dumping.
What is recycling?
Recycling is a method by which we make a new product out of the waste materials.
Eg- Making new paper from old paper and making new bottles and utensils from the old ones are examples of recycling.Answer the following question.
How is non-biodegradable waste harmful for the environment?
Non-biodegradable Waste is very harmful for the environment as it accumulates. Some of the adverse effects of non-biodegradable wastes are- clogging of drains, contamination of water bodies, spreading diseases, affects the fertility of soil, etc.
What are the disadvantages of throwing garbage in the open?
There are many disadvantages of throwing garbage in the open. Same of them are as follow-
Damages the environment - When we dump garbages, it releases toxic materials and pollutes the air and water.
Foul smelling - It produces bad smells and affects the passer by.
Contaminating the ground water - The wastes contain chemicals which are carried out by rain water to the rivers, lakes etc. and pollute the water bodies.
How is waste disposed in landfills ?
Our government with the help of local agencies collects the wastes from the Towns, cities and other sources, then they are processed by different processing methods, Such as volume reduction, shredding etc. and are subjected to compositing such as Vermicomposting gasification, burning incineration etc.Now often this the residue is has to be disposed off into the deep ditches dug in the ground on outskirts. This is how waste is disposed in landfills.
How is compost made in a compost pit?
People dump their garbage in the ditches, with time this dumped garbage mixes with the soil and turns into useful fertilizers.
Eg:- Cowdung turns into natural or organic fertilizers etc. This is how compost made in a compost pit.Which good habits followed by us can help to save the environment?
We can reduce pollution and save the environment by following some simple good habits such as.
ⅰ) Not buying a thing unless we really need it.
ii) Buying eco friendly things.
iii) Taking care of plants and trees as well as planting Our attentiveness and cooperation is necessary to keep our environment clean and healthy.
Word meaning or what does the following word refer- 1-Controlled do dumping refers to landfill
2. Leachate refers to contaminated water flow out of wastes.
3. Vermicomposting refers to worm castings.
4. Bio gasification refers to biological decomposition of biological origin under anaerobic conditions. organic matter
5. Shredding refers to size reduction of solid wastes.