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Agriculture in India class 4 Questions and Answers

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Agriculture in India class 4 Questions and Answers

Agriculture in India is a fascinating topic discussed in our Class 4 SST (Social Studies) lessons. We explore its vastness and importance. Students learn how farming developing our nation and feeds millions. Through engaging questions and answers, we discover the significance of crops, farming techniques, and the monsoon's role. Understanding agriculture's significance in India helps us appreciate the hard work of farmers and the essence of our nation's prosperity.

Agriculture in India

Tick the correct answer.

1. The main occupation of the majority of people in India is-
a, fishing [box]    b. cattle rearing    c. crop growing
2. India is the largest producer of-
a. Rice    b. Tea     c. coffee
3. Tea, coffee and rubber are grown in-
a. Plantations     b.Fields c. none of these[box]

Fill in the blanks.

1. About 70 percent Indians are engaged in agriculture.
2. Rice grows well in hot and wet areas.
3. Mustard grown along with wheat.
4. India is the largest milk producer of the world.

Short answer questions.

Name any two food crops.

Rice and wheat are the two food crops.

Name any two cash crops.

Tea and Jute are the two cash crops.

Which states of India are the chief producers of spices?

Karnataka and Kerala are the chief producers of spices.

Name two products made of jute.

Carpet and bag are two products made from jute.

Answer the following questions.

Agriculture is an important occupation, Explain.

Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops And raising livestock. It includes the preparation of plants and animals products from people to use and their distribution to markets. Agriculture provides most of the world's food and fabrics. So agriculture is an important Occupation.

Write briefly about the oilseeds grown in India.

Different types of oilseeds are grown in India such as mustard, peanut, coconut, linseed, sesame and sunflower. Peanuts are grown in South India, Maharashtra, Gujarat and some parts of Punjab.

What are the two crop growing seasons of India? Which crops do we grow during these seasons?

The two crops growing season of India are
i. Kharif season and
Ii. Rabi season.
Rice, maize, jute, millet and cotton are grown during kharif season and wheat, mustard, barley, pulses and sugarcane are the crops grown during rabi season.

How does livestock rearing help the villagers?

Livestock rearing is a source of subsidiary income. The livestock provides food items such as milk, meat and eggs. In these way livestock rearing help The villages

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